No Needles Today!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Well, my appointment with the nuerologist was not everything that I hoped it would be! He examined my eyes very carefully and, did all his work up that he normally does. He didn't find any evidence of it being my psuedotumor cerebri returning. I should be happy you say...well, I would be if I believed it!

No spinal tap today though! He does want me to go to my Eye Specialist, as I figured! He said to call him when I had done that and he will go over his report also. I hate the jumping through hoops! He said I may be right but, he wants him to check it also. Geeeeez! I don't normally fill up with fluid in my head like this, guys, honest! I could have pushed and got my way, as he said he was not adverse to me being on the diamox, but if I truly don't need it, then I don't want to be on it either! I really like things cut and dried and this was not!

He did give me something for the headaches when they get really bad. This is not wha
t I went in for. But on a good note...I have been having trouble lately with Restless Leg Syndrome, and he gave me a prescription to help that which may help my headaches and my sleep problems as well. That would be soooooo worth the trip if it helps my sleep, or my legs.

And I guess there was more good news too...I had lost 18 pounds since I saw him last May! Woo Hoo! He was very happy about that! And I am doin the "Happy Dance" too!


Blogger tugboat 54 said...

Let me know what the eye specialist says.
Congrats on the 18 pounds!!!

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a blast hanging out with you today and I am glad you atleast got help with the restless leg thing. That would drive me bonkers!

12:05 AM  
Blogger Kimmy said...

Ugh! I hate when they wait and say "no"... like they know more about your body than you do. Ugh! Drives me nuts!
My problem doesn't show in my eyes. I can feel the pressure and notice vision changes, and there is evidence of pressure, but nothing like "the norm".
I'm praying for you!!!

9:10 PM  
Blogger Kimmy said...

Just checkin' in. Hope all's well.
Praying for you!

9:34 AM  
Blogger momsmusings said...

Hey, that is great news about the weight loss!! and I hope all works out with the upcoming appointments as well.

8:57 PM  

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