Happy Birthday Daddy!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

I wish I could give you a big hug and kiss! You would have been 84 today! Unfortunately, you left us eight years ago. I don't blame you for going, being trapped in that hospital bed for 17 years. But you have a new body now, no longer restricted in movement, no longer trapped in a steel bed, no longer having to put up with whatever came your way. You are free of all that.

Daddy, I miss you sometimes so much. I miss talking with you. I miss watching electrical storms, and old war movies or science fiction movies. I miss camping and fishing with you and Grampa.

You built me my first skateboard. You taught me to shoot a gun. You hauled me accross town to the skating rink twice a week so I could practice.

You hated it when I had boyfriends who didn't respect me as you thought they should. You hated letting go of me. You knew I would leave someday. I hated letting go of you...I knew you would leave someday!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

(If you are wondering about my lip in this picture, this is shortly after I bit the corner of the coffee table...still have the scar to prove it!)


Blogger tugboat 54 said...

How sweet !

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have tears now. Wish I would of known him better.

11:24 AM  

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