Yep, that's right! Dear Blogger f-i-n-a-l-l-y fixed my blog so I can get into it to post again! And my sweet daughter fixed the comments! I am thrilled! But ya know it only took Blogger several weeks. I don't think that they think I am so very important. After my 9/11 tribute goes up...I am gonna start packing my stuff! I am going where I can get some respect and maybe not so many problems. My birthday gift from my daughter is my own domain. Woo Hoo! In my Jammies is already taken, so it will be Love My Jammies. I will leave a note on moving day. It may take me a bit to get unpacked and all, before the place is guest ready...but I will let you know when the welcome mat goes out!
Hi! Found my way here via Susie. I read that you were an empty nester (my kids are 31 and 27) and was relieved to finally find someone in blogger land in a similar age brackett. I am now raising my niece and nephew, ages 11 and 9, but I'm tired. And old. (I just turned 53 although my website says 50 - I've just never updated it) Anyway, Hi, nice to meet you. Come by and check me out when you get the chance.
You are's hard to go back to having kids around after yours have flown the coop. They do have a way of making you feel old. I feel that way when the grandkids have been here. I am ready for a nap when they leave.
sorry I didn't have your email address but in answer to your post....on my board....AND, we're both Christians AND my husband, for the first time, talked me into camping recently. Well, Actually, I admit it. I stayed in a lodge. But, there were backpacks, hiking and off roading involved. The upside I got some wonderful photos in the Sequoia's.
Did you read this post of mine? "While life doesn't necessarily get any easier..." Thought you might be able to relate to it! :-)
Welcome back to blogger world, friend! I've been thinking of switching to my own domain, but not sure I can afford it. Ya know I've got one sick dog to pay for. (Plus the new pup... so far I've only spent $5 on her... play toys she's already chewed up. Perhaps I shouldn't buy from the dollar store :p)
Hope you're feelin' better. Been thinkin' about you!
Kimmy... I am doing much better. Getting used to the diamox again. Saw the eye doc this week and there is no disc adema. Very cool. Glad I caught it early enough. So enough about are you doing? So how is Snickers doing? and what name did we end up with for the new addition? Bet Jacob is thrilled! Talk to you soon!
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